How To Ensure You Find Singapore Escorts Using Real Photos?

It can be frustrating to keep seeing escorts turn up at your place looking completely unlike anything their photos depict them to be. Thankfully, here are some real world tested and proven tips to help you find Singapore escorts who are actually using their real photographs, so you can make an informed decision before placing your booking!

First up, social escort girls in Singapore do not use full face photos. This is one of the things unique to Singapore when it comes to escorts. If someone sends you a full uncensored photograph of her picture claiming it is real, and she also claims that she is a local nationality girl in Singapore, then run for your money! Real local Singaporean nationality escort girls do not send their face photographs. This is regardless whether you found them through an agency or through freelance sites. This is because Singapore has a very conservative attitude, and the locals are even more so. Therefore, something as taboo as escort work may be shunned in Singapore, so virtually all of these Singaporean girls will never send their full face photographs. However, yes, they can send you extra photos.

Secondly, use some common sense and Google reverse image search it. Most fakers use images stolen straight from Google. A quick reverse image search will reveal if it is a stolen image. If you cannot find any results, it does not necessarily mean that it is automatically real yet, but if it is found online, then clearly, those images are fake and the girl you are talking to is not real photos.

Third of all, simply check out the reputation of the company online. For freelance girls, simply search for their names online and see if they have any scathing and bad reviews. If so, try to avoid them. If there are none, you can proceed to the other steps. If it is an escort agency, simply search for their reviews too. As long as they are registered and licensed, and have some good reputation online or you can find good reviews online, then you can move on to the other steps.

Fourth of all, just look at the images and see if they look too perfectly polished or are they a little amateur and rough on the edges. You ideally want images which looks like they were real, and not so perfect that it clearly looks photoshopped – because it probably is if that is the case.

Fifth of all, go with your gut. If the website and all looks legitimate and written in perfect English, and all of the above mentioned criteria are met, then it is probably real images. If the website looks severely outdated, images look generic, then it is probably fake.

How To Make A Booking For Local Social Escorts In Singapore?

If you are reading this and want to know how to make a booking for a local social escort girl in Singapore, then make sure to continue reading this post! And yes, just like there are also many different types of Singaporean escort girls – you can check out what I mean here, there is also more than one way to look for a local SGgirl.

When it comes to making a new booking for a social escort girl in Singapore, you can simply head online – because that is where they are all found. By simply Googling for them or something like that, you can easily pull up several different types of websites – some are independent freelance girls listings while others are belonging to SG agencies. Generally speaking, which one you want to pick depends on the nationality of the ladies you prefer.

For instance, if you prefer a foreign nationality escort, then these girls usually hang out only on freelance listing websites. If you prefer a genuine Singaporean local escort, then going to an agency is your best option. However, there may also be an extremely small handful of locals who post their own services on freelance listing websites.

For our purpose, since you want a Singaporean nationality lady only, then we will only discuss about how to find these women.

There are basically three types of websites when it comes to escort services in Singapore that you can possibly find – agency sites which are recommended for local girls, followed by individual websites belonging to independent escorts, followed by classified ad sites where freelance girls post their services over and over again.

booking for social escort

Here is the low down on each of the three different types:

Singapore escort agencies

These are basically companies which function as a middleman and agent which helps customers to sieve through the hundreds and thousands of applicants to shortlist only the very best for their customers. You then book for the girl through the middleman or the agent.

Make sure to look through the agency’s website! Most of the larger Singapore escort agencies like SG VIP Escorts will publicly list the pricing and the censored photographs online. You can browse through their website gallery like you are browsing through a menu or a model catalogue.

Individual websites belonging to independents

These are websites which belong to individual women who work as freelance call girls in Singapore. These are highly similar to that of agency websites, except that the entire website belongs to one girl each, and you will need to contact each of them individually through their own website as well as verification processes.

These kind of individual freelance websites which are managed entirely by the girls themselves are also generally reputable and safe to use in Singapore.

Classified ad sites

Some of these ad sites are specifically founded for the purpose of facilitating escorts to list their services and solicit for business online. Other ad sites are general classified ad sites like Locanto, where there are listings for any kind of products or services online.

When it comes to general classified ad sites, you can usually look for such escort service listings in the personals segment of the website.

However, a big disclaimer is that most of the listings on such sites tend to be fake photos, and the girls usually look nothing like what they describe or show. Additionally, most of them are not even of local nationality, but say that they are so they can charge more as locals are more premium.

Going to such ad sites should definitely and only be your absolute last choice, and even then, only if you are ok if the girl looks 20 years older, 50kg more than her photographs and may not even be local at all.

How To Increase Chances Of Dating Success In Singapore

If you want to increase your chances of meeting love and seeing better relationship and dating success in Singapore, you need to know stuff like psychological stuff when it comes to dating, knowing what to talk about, knowing how to dress and more. All those are easy and immediately applicable things you can put to use right away on your next date to see relationship success. Since these are actionable tips you can be using, make sure to sit tight, digest the following information and use it on your very next date!

Psychological tips

Step one is to simply lose and drop all and any expectations you may have for the date to turn out to be. One of the biggest issues that many men and women in Singapore face is that they try too hard to make the date end a certain way. For some Singaporean girls, they sometimes want a guy to figuratively sweep them off their feet, and then have unrealistic expectations for that. While that can happen, it almost never does, even in happy relationships and marriages. For guys in Singapore, they sometimes worry too much how to make the girl like them, that they act super stiff and awkwardly during the date. Such expectations of a date will only kill any chances of a potential happy relationship and perhaps even marriage. In fact, the only way to really succeed is to do the contrary – focus on enjoyment of the time spent together. It will automatically work out if both of you simply focus on doing that, and you two happen to match each other. If not, just be glad you made a friend or at least had a good time together, and go for someone else!

Step two is to lose any scarcity mindset you may have and adopt an abundance mindset. Some people tend to think that their date is the only person they will ever fall in love with, even though that is almost certainly not the case! How often have you or your friends think you can never get over someone, but then you or your friends do? It happens so often! Your mind plays trick on you. This is all because of a scarcity mindset. The moment you realize that, and start adopting an abundance mindset, you will not do stupid things like unrealistic expectations or trying to force dates to turn out a certain way like the above mentioned step one!

So now that we are done with the psychological stuff, let us move into some conversation tips for dating.

Conversation tips for Singaporean couples

Even if you two are on a sports date in Singapore, and can barely breathe, conversation topics are still a must, or you will be guaranteed of a failure afterwards and the other party will not  be interested to hang out with you anymore.

When it comes to conversation tips, I will only provide you with one – but this is a powerful one.

Try to listen more than talk, and use every topic talked about to continue the conversation if you so wish to. Most people learn tips like talking about hobbies, work and more. However, there is a finite amount of things you can talk about. However, if you listen the other party, and use each conversation topic to egg on the next one, it will simply not end and awkward silences will forever be a thing only in the past! Additionally, people love it when you listen to them. The biggest and most powerful takeaway for you is this – to appear to be interesting to your date, you need to be interested in them! So listen, people love to be heard!

Dressing tips

Dress for the occasion, and dress one notch above the usual dress code. Dressing right and dressing well has two benefits for you – they impress your date as well as help you be more confident.


Girls, have you ever felt ugly when you were wearing a nice evening gown and heels? Probably not.

Guys, have you felt shaky in confidence during dating when you are wearing a nice suit and a nice watch? That is virtually impossible to happen at all.

This does not mean to overdress or dress wrongly. For instance, if you are going to the East Coast Park beach of Singapore, you definitely do not want to turn up in several notches above the usual dress code – for example in a long dress for women or a suit for men.

However, if you are meeting at a place where most people wear smart casual for instance, you can turn up in formal wear. For ladies, this can mean something like a nice dress that you will wear to the office, and for men, this can mean something like a long sleeve shirt tucked into long pants and with a nice belt. By doing this, not only will you impress your date for sure, you will also feel ultra confident!

Get A Vietnamese Escort Or Bride If Dating In Singapore Is Too Tough?

Vietnamese Bride

Whether you are searching for a short term relationship or a long term one, many find that dating in Singapore is getting really hard.

Many men in Singapore who want long term relationships have turned to places that provide Vietnamese brides. Men in Singapore who want short term flings may also turn to Vietnamese escorts in Singapore too.

Is dating in Singapore really getting so difficult that finding foreign women is the only solution?

There are lots of guys in Singapore who may be complaining about the difficulty of dating a girl in Singapore. Some Singaporeans actually also attribute the high cost of living to difficulty of dating in Singapore and getting into long term love relationships. Inevitably, as a result, dating solutions that provide matchmaking services to even foreign brides has come up! This is both the case of Vietnamese escorts in Singapore for short term flings and Vietnamese brides for long term relationships.

However, are these services worth your time, and are they worth your money? Or should you take other solutions before even considering such an alternative?

First of all, you should first figure out what is the main problem you are facing when facing difficulties in getting into a relationship. Is it due to you having a lack of time in finding a suitable partner? Is it because no girl in Singapore seems to be interested in you no matter even if you drop your standards? Is it simply because you do not even like local girls? Or is it some reason like you do not know how to approach girls at all? Once you figure out the problem that you are facing, you will be better able to solve the issue.

Find out what your problem is and solve it accordingly

Second of all, you are to solve your problem and find the right solution to it. Not every one should have the same answer.

Do you have a lack of time?

If you have a lack of time, chances are you are a busy executive or professional in Singapore. The easiest solution for you is to find a dating agency in Singapore which specializes in matchmaking services with local girls. These companies are basically like old school matchmakers. They find you dates, and you go on these private dates and then if sparks fly, you go on and have a relationship with one of these ladies on your own. In between you providing your full details and requirements to the dating agency and the dates, there is nothing you need to do. Do note you usually need 2 to 6 months before the first date. There is nothing to worry about if it takes this long. It is quite normal.

Do you not know how to approach girls at all?

If you do not know how to approach and communicate with girls in a way that makes them interested in you, then perhaps your solution is quite simple. Simply sign up for dating courses online, watch a ton of these videos on YouTube, or perhaps consider signing up to a local dating coach in Singapore. Some local coaches in Singapore include Marcus Neo and Modern Man Academy.

Do you not even like local girls and simply prefer foreign girls like Vietnam girls?

If this is the case, then Vbride and such companies are most suitable for you! It is far better than you going to countries like Vietnam yourself and finding a local company unless you are familiar with the local language, and do not mind spending years there assimilating into their culture or are in no hurry to date. In such a case, these companies or simply flying to the country you desire are the best solutions.

And if you are seeking something short term, there are also Vietnam escort options in Singapore.

Chinese Escort in Singapore – Day In The Life

hot girl

Ever wondered how a real life female Chinese Singaporean social escort leads her secretive, double lifestyle? Here is an interview of one!

In this interview, we managed to grab hold of a local 24 year old Singaporean Chinese escort, who finally agreed after much persuasion, to do this interview under the sole condition of complete anonymity.

What does a daily life of a Singaporean social escort look like?

When asked how her daily life looks like as an escort in Singapore, this was what she had to answer, “The same, I am currently working an office job, so I just go to work as per normal. Usually during the afternoons onward, I will get a call or message from my agent, who will be contacting me about a booking in the evening or night.”

Basically, because she does have an office job in the day, she only goes to apoinments in the evenings and at night.

From an outsider’s point of view, the lifestyle actually seems pretty normal. This is considering most girls in Singapore also work an office job and then hang out with friends or family at night.

Choosing between going for an escort booking or personal outing

We then asked her the next logical question, which is how she decides to prioritize between going for a booking or a social gathering.

“Going for any escort job pays me a lot more than any other thing I can possibly do, so I usually arrange or reschedule my other things,” she replied.

She added that since most jobs comes in spurts and at random timings, she tries to go for all of them whenever possible. This has also meant that she needed to skip lots of parties, gatherings and dates between girl friends. That is a price she is willing to pay.

“I know not everyone will agree with me, however, money is very important in an example country-state like Singapore. Also, buying luxury handbags make me very happy!” she gleefully added.

How she deals with potential questions from friends or family

When asked how she deals with friends or family members asking what she is up to, she simply replied that she just says she is busy or needs to meet another group of friends.

While this sounds like an overwhelming simple answer to what many expect would be a complicated double life to keep up, it is true. As mentioned above, most Singaporean girls are either students or office professionals who then go out after school or work. Likewise, that is also the lifestyle of a female escort in Singapore. The only difference? The hanging out she does is meeting clients and making money.

In a nutshell, it seems that while it can feel that leading a life in Singapore as an escort can be stressful, it is quite the contrary. It is easy to cover up for one’s lifestyle, and besides, there is a lot of money to be made if one is hardworking and willing to go for as many assignments as possible.

Like the famous saying goes, a diamond is a girl’s best friend.